Por Larrañaga Cuban Cigars, A Cigar produced for the Cuban Company (Habanos S.A) in Cuba. Por Larrañaga simply means “by Larrañaga”.
The Cuban cigar brand was registered by Ignacio in 1834. He was an immigrant who came from Spain and he established his first cuban cigar factory in Havana. Por Larrañaga Cigars became very popular by 19th century and the company purchased a larger Cuban cigar factory building on Carlos Tercero Street in Havana in 1920 where they produced Por Larranaga Petit Coronas, Por Larranaga Montecarlo, Por Larranaga Panetelas, and Por Larranaga Belicosos Extra.
[show_more more=Read-More less=Read-Less]In 1925, the Cuban factory introduced an innovation which was never recorded before then in the history of Cuban Cigar making companies. It first produced Cigars using machines instead of cigar-rollers. This innovation was however met with a lot of rejection on the Island because machines were made to replace the services rendered by people in rolling cigars. The factory was thus, forced to stop the idea of machine-made cigars.
Por Larrañaga became one of the largest producing Cuban brands by 1960 and its production was moved to the La Corona factory at Avenida 20 de Mayo. The production, however, witnessed a down-slide in the 1980s and the export of the brand reduced largely.
Just a few thousand boxes of Por Larrañaga Lonsdales was produced in 2006. Por Larrañaga Lonsdales was a stopped violation which was greatly missed by aficionados of the brand in Germany. The cigars were noted especially with a special band which indicated as “Exclusivo Alemania”. They were parked in twenty-five count dress boxes.
All vitolas have since 2002, been hand-made and the leaf sourced from Vuelta Abajo is used. Currently, Por Larrañaga is a pre-evolution brand and it was considered a Local brand in the pre-2019 classification system.[/show_more]