Flor de Cano Cuban Cigar

Flor de Cano Cuban cigars is an old Cuban cigar brand that started in 1884. A lot of the famous cigars in the collector’s word originate from the brand.

Flor de Cano Cuban cigars provide both aroma and flavor at a medium cost. Currently, every Flor de Cano is a short filler and completely handcrafted Habanos made of Semiu Vuelta and Vuelta Abajo leaf.

[show_more more=Read-More less=Read-Less]Flor de Cano Cuban cigars was launched in 1884 and was set up before the revolution.

Flor de Cano was categorized under ‘Other Brands’ marketing class. Based on the pre-2019 classification system, it is considered a local brand. The brand has just a few cigars in production and a small market share. Nevertheless, it gets infrequent Regional Edition release.
The range consists of medium strength cigars, with tobacco mixed from the Semi Vuelta and Vuelta Abajo regions.[/show_more]

Flor de Cano

Cigar Strength

Cigar Strength

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Havana Cigars

An enthusiast's guide to cuban cigars